Here are 12 frequently asked questions about getting rid of mice problems in the home.

Gnawed holes in stored foods, piled papers, insulation, etc.Food scraps or wrappings left behind, especially in out-of-the-way places, such as inside shoes or boots or in the corners of closets and cabinetsDroppings or tiny hairsRunways—narrow pathways where dust and dirt have been swept clean, noticeable grease marks, or urine trails that can be seen under a black lightNests or piled nesting materialsSkittering or scratching sounds coming from wall, ceiling, or floor cavitiesStale, rank, or musty odors

In addition to trapping, it’s a good idea to exclude mice from the home by sealing openings around pipes, roof vents, and other potential entry points. Keeping a few traps set in likely nesting areas or entry points for mice, such as the garage, can provide early detection of mouse intrusion.