Here are 17 of the best houseplants that are harder to kill and look great in any room.
Light: Bright lightWater: Dry between wateringsColor Varieties: A variegated cultivar has creamy leaf margins
Light: Indirect lightWater: Regular wateringColor Varieties: Green
Light: Indirect lightWater: Average to dryColor Varieties: ‘Bonnie Variegated’ has white striping
Light: Low lightWater: MoistColor Varieties: ‘Domino’ has white stippling on leaves
Light: Bright lightWater: Weekly mistingColor Varieties: ‘Tricolor’ has reddish leaves; ‘Abdita’ has pink leaves that darken to red upon flowering; ‘Huamelula’ has salmon leaf tips
Light: HighWater: DryColor Varieties: ‘Christmas Carol’ has red leaf edges; ‘Walmsley’s Variegated’ has cream streaks
Light: HighWater: DryColor Varieties: ‘Calico Kitten’ has pink and cream leaves; ‘Variegata’ has cream streaking
Light: Indirect lightWater: Light, regular moistureColor Varieties: Thousands of cultivars available; flowers may be pink, blue, purple, or white, with picotee or stippling
Light: Low to highWater: LowColor Varieties: ‘Bantel’s Sensation’ has cream leaves; ‘Black Gold’ has thin gold edging; ‘Gold Hahnii’ has wide gold bands
Light: Filtered or indirectWater: MediumColor Varieties: Orange, yellow, red, white, pink, and purple varieties available
Light: LowWater: HighColor Varieties: Green
Light: Medium to highWater: MediumColor Varieties: Green, variegated
Light: Medium to brightWater: MediumColor Varieties: ‘Honeydew’ has gold leaves; ‘Mary’ has splotches of cream; ‘Snow’ has white speckles
Light: BrightWater: MoistColor Varieties: ‘Dark Opal’ and ‘Purple Ruffles’ have purple foliage
Light: HighWater: MediumColor Varieties: ‘Sun Burst’ is a gold variegated type; ‘Janine’ is a white variegated type
Light: HighWater: MediumColor Varieties: Orange, white, yellow, red, pink, purple
Light: Low to highWater: MediumColor Varieties: ‘Brandi’ has silver variegation; ‘Micans’ has purple-tinted leaves; ‘Prince of Orange’ has orange-tinted leaves