Many people intentionally group their houseplants together. Whether you’re doing it to keep your plants near each other to make caring for them easier or because it looks nice, grouping houseplants can be super beneficial for a number of reasons. It’s aesthetically pleasing to group plants together and can instantly add something special to your space. It’s also a great way to cut your watering time down — if you have your plants near each other, you don’t need to wander around your home with a watering can in hand, trying to remember which plants need to be watered that day. We wanted to see what other reasons people group houseplants for so we spoke to Jilana Thomas, a plant specialist at Grounded. She shared with us everything you need to know about grouping houseplants.

Why You Should Group Houseplants

“Indoor air is notoriously dry, especially under the use of A/C and heat sources. Tropical plants prefer humidity levels that mirror their natural climates, which requires regular upkeep,” says Thomas. “Grouping humidity-loving houseplants together maximizes the moisture content in the immediate environment, making them happier and healthier.” By grouping your plants you don’t have set out humidifiers or mist them as often as you would if they were spread around your home. Instead, they’re creating a little micro-climate where the humidity level will be higher than it is in the rest of your home.  Another great reason to group your houseplants is that it makes it easier to care for them. If you have a bunch of plants that are on the same watering schedule and have similar light needs, group them in a bunch. It will not only make it easier for you, but it will also be helpful if anyone ever has to plant sit for you while you’re on vacation. 

Ways to Group Houseplants

Place your houseplants near each other and you’ll see that it not only simplifies plant care, but it also looks nice too. “Create clusters according to care needs, size, or shape. Exercise your green thumb by grouping them on a large pebble tray (such as a boot tray) or even potting them in the same planter if they share identical needs,” says Thomas. Plant arrangements are a really unique way of showing off your favorite greenery, so find yourself a cool pot and get creative. As long as the plants have the same needs, they should thrive together.  You can also layer your plants by placing the tallest plants in the back and the smaller ones towards the front. It creates a lush corner in your home or on a shelf. 

How to Group Plants Successfully

“When grouping plants, be sure not to crowd them. Without sufficient airflow, moisture build-up will cause disease and pests,” says Thomas. “Root rot, leaf fungus, and fungus gnats make homes out of wet conditions.” And if you have your plants close to each other and you find yourself with pests or gnats, they could easily spread and infect your whole collection! Instead of placing them super close together, allow for a few inches in between each pot. “Get creative with plant sizes and placement! Group small windowsill plants with large floor plants to find a fitting aesthetic,” says Thomas. “Make use of vertical space through floating shelves and hanging planters.” Utilize all of the space you have to create the perfect indoor jungle. And don’t forget to rotate your plants regularly so that they grow evenly. If you haven’t been rotating your plants, you may notice that one side (usually the one facing the light) may be thriving a bit better. If you see that your group of plants is leaning towards the light, simply turn them around. A great way to remember to do this regularly is to rotate a little bit each time you water them.