Did you know that the best way for preschoolers to learn is through play? Introducing games that incorporate the ABCs isn’t just a tactic to get them writing—it’s also a great way to introduce a lifelong love of reading. Since letter recognition is such an important step in any child’s literacy growth, we decided to review the Alphabet Bingo! by Peaceable Kingdom. Read on to find out what we think.

Design: What you expect of bingo but with colorful visuals

This kids alphabet bingo set is simple and everything you’d expect it to be: instead of calling out numbers, players reach into a bag and pull out a letter. If the letter is on their card, they mark it with a plastic chip. Once someone gets four in a row, they shout “Bingo!” and win the game. Peaceable Kingdom manages to make this game stand out, though—for our little ones’ eyes anyway. Aside from the glossy finish that elevates the look of the cardboard playing boards—six in total—the colorful visuals are the actual stars of the show and are the primary reason our son loved playing the game so much. The tokens, of which there are 72, are double-sided, offering both a picture side and a letter side. So while first-timers and beginners can practice playing with the picture side of the tokens, children who already know their ABCs can play by announcing the letter only, which is an easy way to spice up the game and let children gauge their own progress.

Entertainment Value: Rewarding—makes children ask for more

With its eye-catching visuals and colors, we found this bingo set was really able to capture the attention of preschoolers. It made the process of letter recognition a seamlessly entertaining experience, and even more, it instilled a sense of accomplishment that motivated our son and his friends to keep playing. Kids love to pick the color of their playing board, to slowly work their way to “bingo,” and to actually get and shout “BINGO!” We found that even the more mundane tasks of the game are a source of excitement for little ones. My son was equally thrilled (if not more) to have the very serious responsibility of pulling the tokens from the drawstring bag and calling out the letters. This, as well, reminds him that he can, in fact, recognize his letters, which motivates him to keep playing. Check out the best bingo games available today.

Educational Value: Teaches letter recognition, patience, and the art of losing

With Alphabet Bingo!, you can make playtime a learning experience. There’s the obvious: kids get to identify uppercase letters, which is a first step toward reading and writing. But the educational value of this board game goes far beyond literacy—it helps develop various social skills that are crucial in life. Two to six people can play this board game. By playing with friends and family, preschoolers practice cooperation, sharing, and taking turns (aka patience). It took some time, but our 4-year-old eventually understood that he had to wait for everyone to identify their letters before drawing another token, and he eventually shared the responsibility of calling out letters. Last but not least, the game comes with a clear winner and losers—a concept that doesn’t come naturally to preschoolers. We found that board game helped teach kids how to process and accept loss a little more gracefully, which is a valuable long-term skill in navigating friendships. 

Age Range: 4 and up

Though this is geared towards children who are getting ready to learn and identify their ABCs, there are various ways for older, more advanced kids to play. For example, you can show the letter side of the token or call out the letter without showing the token at all. You can even call out the letters by just making the sounds that they make. Note that the plastic chips are small and a choking hazard for kids who are under 3 years old, so it’s not advised for littler players.

Cleaning: Wipe clean to remove dust or gunk

Cardboard games are tough to clean, especially when handled by dirty little preschool hands. Simply put, they’re likely to fall apart fairly quickly. To lengthen the game’s life, wipe the boards clean with a cloth dampened only with water. Make sure not to soak any of the pieces and to dry with a clean cloth right away.

Price: More expensive than other alphabet games, but worth the investment

At $12.95, Alphabet Bingo! by Peaceable Kingdom is on the more expensive side of children’s board games. But it really succeeds in making an educational experience fun, exciting, and long-lasting. For this reason, we think it’s worth the few extra bucks.

Peaceable Kingdom Alphabet Bingo! vs. Better Letter Bingo 3-in-1 Preschool Game

Though Alphabet Bingo! was a hit in our household, it’s limited to uppercase letters. In comparison, Better Letter Bingo 3-in-1 can help your preschooler recognize both upper and lowercase letters; and if your little one is eager for more serious training, you can also use the game as flashcards. All in all, the Better Letter Bingo 3-in-1 is more versatile and will, therefore, last you longer. We also appreciate the fact that the letters come in card form, which is harder to misplace and lose. That said, Alphabet Bingo! does offer a more engaging design which is ideal for children who are just getting started with letter recognition. Though there are plenty of options on the market, Peaceable Kingdom’s Alphabet Bingo! is a fun literacy game—especially for those just starting their reading and writing journey. Play this board game enough, and your little ones will be singing their ABCs in no time.