It turns out, if you put wax paper on the top of your fridge, it keeps the surface from getting sticky and accumulating debris and dust. And after trying it for ourselves, here is the ‘what,’ the ‘why,’ and the ‘how’ about the wax paper trick, and why you should probably consider using it in your kitchen (and other hard-to-dust areas).

What Is the Wax Paper Cleaning Hack?

So where did this come from? This hack isn’t exactly new, but perhaps resurfaced in popularity over the past two years with the influx of people doing everything (schooling, working, playing, and everything in-between) from home. (There’s something about being in your kitchen 24/7 that makes you realize how dirty it truly is!) As people started talking about the ‘DIY’ cleaning hacks, the must-clean spaces and the must-have products, wax paper made a jump in popularity, arguably because it’s cheap, and it works. Wax paper, unlike parchment paper or even plastic wrap, has a slightly ‘sticky’ surface that naturally attracts dust, grime, grease, and other unwanted materials. By laying a few sheets on your fridge top, it can prevent unwanted debris from collecting on the surface because instead of sticking to the fridge’s textured exterior, the debris accumulates on the paper and gets tossed (with no dusting, scrubbing, or any legwork on your part). The best thing about this trick? The paper doesn’t have to be replaced as often as you may think. In fact, a few sheets can stay and do their job for several months, or several weeks at the very least.

Why Wax Paper?

So, why use wax paper? First, it’s cheap. A box of wax paper is next-to-nothing in price, and rather than shelling out money for expensive cleaners, microfiber cloths, or even paper towels (which aren’t as cheap as you think and add up in the long-run) you can conquer quite a bit of surface area with just a few sheets. Also, wax paper can be a safer and less toxic cleaning solution. As consumers move away from using plastics, wax paper makes a lot more sense—not only for this top-of-fridge cleaning hack, but also for storing and covering food, too.

How Does This Hack Actually Work?

In the day and age of ease, convenience, and ‘less is more’ attitudes, this cleaning hack just makes sense. Why scrub your surfaces when you can lay a sheet down? Why agonize over dust when you can just let it accumulate and then toss it? In order to implement this trick, the first step is to wipe down the top area of your fridge. (And before you argue for that being counterproductive, there is a method to the madness.) To get a deeper, long-term clean, it’s best to start with a fresh surface. If your fridge is already dirty, then adding wax paper won’t solve the problem; it will just cover it up. Start by wiping down the surface with a chemical-free, non-toxic product. I used my favorite all-surface cleaner from Aspen Clean for something more eco-friendly, but if you’re about the fully natural approach, you could use lemon juice. Then, depending on the size of your paper and fridge, cut and layer the wax paper so that it evenly covers the entire surface. After a few days, check back to see what the paper looks like or if anything needs to be moved around. (Note: If you store anything on top of the fridge, you’ll want to prevent the wax paper from moving or leaving gaps because this will prevent the paper from actually doing its job.) After a few weeks, lift the paper (carefully to make sure no dust or crumbs fall back onto the fridge surface!), toss, and reapply! The results will make you wish you found out about this sooner. And who doesn’t love the strange satisfaction of tossing the dirty paper in the trash?