Thankfully though there are some really amazing plant products out there that can make caring for your plants a breeze. Instead of worrying that you won’t be able to keep track of them or repot them correctly, for example, you can rest easy knowing that a few products can help solve your plant care problems. We spoke to a couple of plant influencers to see which plant products they swear by. Moisture meters are a great buy for any plant parent. They can save you from the instinct to overwater your plants. They’re also lifesavers if you have someone coming over to care for your plants when you’re on vacation as it can help them know when to water them without the risk of killing them. A good fertilizer is so important in making sure your plants are getting everything that they need. Remember they live in a tiny pot of soil so water alone won’t sustain them! A plant tarp makes clean-up so much easier and actually makes you want to repot your plants. Cheong has created her own line of plant tarps for Jungle Home, which are all custom-made so you can pick which button color you want. Moss poles indeed offer support for plants that like to climb. They’re a great addition to heavier plants that may need something to lean on as well as they look a lot nicer than regular stakes.